Working Virtually Is No Longer an Option, It’s the New Norm

Working Virtually Is No Longer an Option, It’s the New Norm

The way we interact with coworkers, family, and friends has forever changed. Interesting times with the current situation around the world. Many companies are having to adapt and make the decision to move their staff from office space to working remotely. Some companies already have structures in place for this but most do not. Working…

3 Lessons Home Based Professionals Can Learn from Pope Francis

3 Lessons Home Based Professionals Can Learn from Pope Francis

1. Be a Leader and Start with your Self In the Pope’s message to the government leaders, he said “reject every form of corruption”. Being irresponsible and unreliable at work are forms of corruption. If you can’t or don’t want the job, don’t stay in it and corrupt the opportunity from others who can and…