Signs of Online Job Scam You Must Know
Crooks have invaded the online industry and the most common target are the web users looking for home based jobs. With the desire to please prospective employers, most victims fall for whatever the scammers ask for. Don’t fall for the scam tactics; use these tips to help you avoid common scams.
1. Do your research and know who you’re dealing with
Resources online are your best defense. Do your research, Google is a friend you can count on when an offer from someone you don’t personally know arrives. Online jobs are basically a trust and confidence relationship between you and an employer from another country so be sure to make an educated decision.
2. If the job offer is too good to be true, it probably isn’t true
If you are offered 30,000 PHP a month to do data entry task for 2 hours a day, be very weary. An offer that is too good to be true is usually not true. If you are serious about considering a career online, equip yourself with proper knowledge and objective assessment of your skills and experience to avoid falling for bogus offers.
3. No sending of money
Con artist insists that applicants wire money. The money could either be for application processing, legal documentary stamp, or whatever purpose they could think of. Don’t give in to the bait no matter how small the value is. A potential employee asking for even a single peso is your biggest WARNING not to push through.
4. A decent online job undergoes a proper recruitment process
Keep in mind that online jobs are just like any other jobs. They need to qualify applicants to see if they are fit for the job they are applying for. If the screening process is skipped, no interviews are made, you are not asked to submit your resume, take this as a warning sign.